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We are always open to proposals. Contact us in any convenient way for you. cpaomni.com@gmail.com

Rules for working with partner network Cpaomni.com

The affiliate program provides access to the use of the cpaomni.com website and its tools and functions under the conditions that are the subject of these Rules for working with the affiliate network. In this regard, you must carefully read the terms of these Rules.

Your use of the services and functions of the Cpaomni.com website means your full agreement with these Rules.

The following definitions and terms are used in these rules:

These Rules are valid in the latest version, regardless of the version in which they were accepted by the Publisher and/or the Advertiser upon registration.

Capable individuals who have reached the age of 18, as well as legal entities represented by an authorized representative, are allowed to register as a Publisher and/or Advertiser in the Affiliate Network.

Registration of the Publisher and/or Advertiser in the Affiliate Network involves filling out and submitting the registration form.

When filling out the registration form, you must fill in all required fields with correct and current information.

One user can have no more than one Account.

The administration has the right to refuse registration without giving reasons.

The administration reserves the right to block any account at its discretion without payment of funds.

List of rules for violation of which the Administration has the right to block an account without payment of earned funds:

Settlements with Publishers:

The program has a hold period of 5 days. Applications are automatically created at 00:00 on Monday, if there is a minimum amount on the balance ($30). Payment of such applications is carried out on Thursdays. Early payment is possible, but only if there is a trustworthy relationship with your account. The minimum amount is $30.

Traffic sources containing materials are prohibited:

The following types of traffic are prohibited for all Programs: Push, Facebook, Instagram, Clickunder, Popunder, Vkontakte. This type of traffic is possible only after agreement with the manager.

The Partner must make sure that third-party java scripts do not make changes to the operation of the Affiliate Network Streams.

The Administration of the Affiliate Network has the right to admit to participation Sources that do not meet the above conditions, as well as reject Sources that meet all of the above conditions without giving any reasons.

Rules for using promo materials

Forbidden elements and techniques for use on promotional materials:

This paragraph may be supplemented depending on the legal regulations of certain countries.

The following products are prohibited from participation:

Responsibility of the parties:

The Administration is not responsible for the actions of Publishers that resulted in a violation of the rights of third parties.

The Administration is not responsible for the content of information posted by Publishers and/or Advertisers

The Administration has the right not to respond to requests, appeals and letters that do not contain the details of the applicant (full name, contact details).

The administration is not responsible for the registration data that was indicated by the Publishers and/or the Advertiser when interacting with the information field of the site.

Users are solely responsible for the use of products purchased through the information field of the site, as well as for the consequences of such use

Dispute Settlement

If information is found on the Site containing intellectual property results belonging to third parties, the copyright holder is obliged to:

7 / F MW Tower, 111 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Privacy Policy of cpaomni.com

We acknowledge the importance of information confidentiality. This document describes the personal information we receive and collect when you use the cpaomni.com site.

We hope this information will help you make informed decisions about the personal information you provide to us.


The email address you provide when filling out forms on the site is not shown to other site visitors. We may keep messages received via email and other correspondence sent by users to process user inquiries, respond to requests, and improve our services.

Phone number

The phone number you provide when filling out forms on the site is not shown to other site visitors. The phone number is used by our managers only to communicate with you.

Purposes of Collecting and Processing User's Personal Information

Our site provides the ability to fill out forms. Your voluntary consent to receive feedback from us after sending any form on the site is confirmed by entering your name, E-mail, and phone number into the form. The name is used for personal communication with you, E-mail for sending you letters, and the phone number is used by our managers only to communicate with you. The user provides their data voluntarily, after which they receive a feedback email or a call from the company manager.

Terms of Processing and its Transfer to Third Parties

Your name, E-mail, and phone number will never, under any circumstances, be transferred to third parties, except in cases related to the enforcement of legislation.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

On this page, you can learn about any changes to this privacy policy. In special cases, information will be sent to your E-mail.

You can ask any questions by writing to our E-mail: cpaomni.com@gmail.com

7 / F MW Tower, 111 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong